Young Guns: Unleashing the Power of Service in Our Youth

But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, giving thanks to his God.<br />


“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

1 Timothy 4:12 (ESV)


Alright God First community, listen up! We all know the verse: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). But what about teenagers?  Are those seemingly ageless creatures lingering between childhood and adulthood?  You know the ones I’m talking about, they know it all and you cant tell them ANYTHING! Aww to have the confidence of a teenager. Lol 

1 Timothy 4:12 throws down a challenge that goes beyond manners and homework: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” (ESV)  This ain’t about waiting until they’re “grown up” to serve; it’s about empowering our young guns to be lights right now!

Let’s face it, teenagers often get a bad rap.  Eye rolls, slammed doors, that constant battle over screen time.  But here’s the thing:  young people are bursting with potential, creativity, and a desire to make a difference.  The question is, how do we tap into that fire and unleash the power of service in our youth?

Take my oldest Billy, he loves to serve others and will put them over himself constantly. The other day he chose to take my nephew’s calves to weigh-in because my brother was tied up that day with EMT class. Or how he and my youngest are always encouraging others to join in their fun charades of paintball, maybe it’s so they have more targets to hit, I’m not sure. Lol 

Here’s the battle plan for transforming our teenagers from couch potatoes to compassion crusaders:

  • Ditch the Lecture, Spark the Conversation:  Teenagers are bombarded with information.  Instead of a lecture on the importance of service, have a conversation!  Explore their passions, their concerns, and the issues they care about in the community with a simple conversation.  Maybe it’s animal health, environmental protection, social justice, or art.  Help them identify needs where their unique skills and interests can make a real difference.


  • Make it Relevant, Make it Real:  Service shouldn’t feel like punishment.  Connect volunteer opportunities to their passions.  Maybe a budding musician could volunteer at a music therapy program for children in hospitals or senior centers, or a tech whiz could offer free computer workshops for senior citizens.  When service aligns with their interests, it becomes an exciting adventure, not a chore.


  • Think Outside the Box (But Maybe Offer Pizza):  Service isn’t limited to soup kitchens and animal shelters (although those are awesome too!).  Organize a neighborhood clean-up day with a pizza party afterwards, or partner with a local business to host a charity car wash.  The key is to create fun, engaging activities that allow them to serve their community while building friendships and teamwork skills.


  • Empower, Don’t Micromanage:  Let your teenagers take ownership of their service projects.  Give them space to plan, lead, and make decisions.  This fosters a sense of responsibility and allows them to see the real impact of their efforts.  Of course, offer guidance and support, but remember, it’s their journey!


  • Celebrate Their Wins (Big or Small):  Recognition is important, especially for teenagers.  Acknowledge their hard work and dedication.  Maybe you write them a shout-out on social media, highlight their achievements in church, or simply give them a big ol’ high five.  Celebrating their wins reinforces positive behavior and motivates them to keep serving.

Here’s the secret weapon:  when teenagers see the impact of their service, it’s contagious!  They inspire their friends, their families, and the entire community to get involved.  Before you know it, you’ve got a whole army of young guns making a difference in the world.

Remember, God First Life Next is all about living out our faith in everything we do, and that includes empowering the next generation.  By encouraging service in our youth, we’re not just building a stronger community; we’re building a brighter future, fueled by compassion, love, and a desire to make the world a better place.  So, let’s get out there and unleash the power of service in our young people!

This isn’t just about one-time volunteer projects.  The goal is to cultivate a lifelong commitment to service in our youth.  Mentor them, connect them with ongoing opportunities, and help them see how their faith can translate into real-world action.  As they grow in their faith and their service, they’ll become powerful examples for others, inspiring the next generation to pick up the torch and continue the cycle of compassion.

So, God First Fam, let’s invest in our young guns.  Let’s provide them with the tools, the encouragement, and the opportunities they need to become the change they want to see in the world.  Together, we can create a future overflowing with young leaders, empowered by their faith and their service, making a difference one act of love at a time!


Heavenly Father,

We come before you with hearts full of gratitude for the youth in our communities, bursting with potential and a desire to make a difference. We thank you for the gifts and passions you have instilled in each and every one of them.

Lord, we lift up our young guns to you, knowing that they are not defined by their age but by the example they set in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. Help us to nurture and guide them as they discover their unique callings and passions.

Grant us wisdom, Lord, as we seek to empower our youth to serve others. Help us to spark conversations that ignite their hearts and inspire action. May service become a natural outpouring of their love for you and for their neighbors.

Lord, we ask for creativity in connecting volunteer opportunities to their interests and passions. Show us how to make service relevant and real, so that it becomes an exciting adventure rather than a chore.

Give us the humility to empower our youth, trusting them to take ownership of their service projects. May we offer guidance and support while allowing them the space to lead and make decisions.

Lord, we celebrate the wins of our young people, both big and small. Help us to recognize and affirm their efforts, knowing that recognition is important for their growth and development.

As our youth see the impact of their service, may it ignite a fire in their hearts that spreads to others. May they inspire their peers, their families, and the entire community to join them in making a difference in the world.

Lord, we commit to investing in our young guns, providing them with the tools, encouragement, and opportunities they need to become the change-makers you have called them to be. Together, may we create a future overflowing with young leaders, empowered by their faith and their service, making a difference one act of love at a time.

In Your holy name we pray,


Dan Greer