Communicating Encouragement in Relationships

But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, giving thanks to his God.<br />


“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Proverbs 15:1 (ESV)


Hey folks, it’s Dan here. You know, in all my years of working in transportation and running businesses, I’ve seen firsthand the power of a kind word. Just like a well-tuned engine keeps a truck running smoothly, encouraging words keep our relationships on the right track.

Proverbs 15:1 tells us, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” This verse is a great reminder of how our words can either calm a storm or fan the flames. When we choose to speak gently and with kindness, we can diffuse tense situations and build stronger connections.

I remember a time when I had a heated disagreement with a colleague. We were both frustrated, and the conversation was heading south fast. But then, I took a deep breath, softened my tone, and focused on understanding his perspective. It wasn’t easy, but it made all the difference. Instead of escalating the conflict, we found common ground and worked things out. That experience taught me a valuable lesson about the power of a soft answer.

In our daily interactions—whether with family, friends, or coworkers—our words have the power to uplift and inspire. A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate you” can brighten someone’s day and strengthen our bonds. It’s like adding a bit of grease to the gears, making everything run more smoothly.

But let’s be real: life gets busy, stress piles up, and sometimes we snap or say things we regret. When that happens, it’s important to pause, reflect, and make amends. Apologizing and offering kind words afterward can heal the hurt and restore harmony.

Encouraging communication isn’t about sugarcoating everything or avoiding tough conversations. It’s about being honest and direct, but with a heart full of empathy and respect. When we speak with kindness, we show others that we value and care about them.

So, let’s make a habit of communicating encouragement in our relationships. It’s like planting seeds of positivity that will grow and flourish, creating a garden of strong, healthy connections.


Take Action Items


  • Speak Life: Make a conscious effort to say something encouraging to at least one person each day. Whether it’s a compliment, a thank you, or a word of support, your positive words can make a big difference.


  • Listen Actively: Show that you value the other person by listening without interrupting. Let them share their thoughts and feelings, and respond with empathy.


  • Write Notes of Appreciation: Take a few minutes to write a note or send a message to someone you appreciate. Let them know how much they mean to you and why.


  • Practice Patience: When you feel frustration rising, take a deep breath and choose to respond with a soft answer. This can help de-escalate tension and promote understanding.


  • Reflect on Your Words: At the end of each day, think about the words you used. Were they kind and encouraging? If not, consider how you can improve tomorrow.


  • Be Quick to Apologize: If you’ve spoken harshly, don’t hesitate to apologize. A sincere “I’m sorry” followed by kind words can heal and restore relationships.


  • Encourage Open Dialogue: Foster an environment where honest and respectful communication is encouraged. Make it safe for others to express their thoughts and feelings.


  • Scripture Reminders: Keep Proverbs 15:1 visible—on your desk, fridge, or phone. Let it serve as a daily reminder to respond with kindness.


  • Accountability Partner: Find someone you trust to hold you accountable in your journey of encouraging communication. Check in with each other regularly about your progress and share any challenges or victories.


  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the moments when you successfully communicate encouragement. It’ll motivate you to keep it up!



Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of words and the incredible impact they can have on our relationships. We come before You today, seeking Your guidance in using our speech to bring encouragement, peace, and love to those around us.

Lord, help us to remember the wisdom from Proverbs 15:1, to offer soft answers that turn away wrath and to avoid harsh words that stir up anger. Teach us to speak with kindness, empathy, and respect in all our interactions.

Fill our hearts with Your love so that it overflows into our conversations. May our words be tools of encouragement, building up those we interact with and strengthening our relationships. Help us to be mindful of the needs and feelings of others, responding with grace and understanding.

Grant us the strength to offer genuine compliments and to lift others up, even when it’s difficult. Remind us to practice patience, to listen actively, and to express our appreciation openly and sincerely.

Father, guide us in creating environments where open and honest communication is encouraged. Let our homes, workplaces, and communities be places where Your peace reigns and where encouraging words are the norm.

We ask for Your forgiveness for the times we’ve spoken harshly or without thought. Help us to learn from these moments and to grow in our ability to communicate positively and constructively.

Lord, we pray for a heart that seeks to understand before being understood, that values encouragement over criticism. May our efforts to communicate encouragement bring glory to Your name and reflect our identity as Your children.

Thank You for Your constant presence and for guiding our words and actions. We trust in Your wisdom and love to lead us in becoming better communicators and encouragers.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.



Dan Greer