Are you Qualified?

“God Doesn’t Call the Qualified; He Qualifies the Called.”
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Last night while sitting in our beach house the kids were searching through the videos that were available.
They ran across the DreamWorks movie, The Prince of Egypt
If you haven’t seen it I would recommend that you check it out.
It is a fairly accurate portrayal of Moses’s life up to the point just after they crossed the sea.
As we were watching the movie a few things popped up in my mind.
The first was that God can do anything!
So when you start to feel deflated or like you might not be able to accomplish what you have set out to do. Just remember that if God can split the red sea, and make the 7 plagues come upon the land of Egypt.
Then he can help you finish your task.
As long as you don’t lose heart.
Another thing that happened to pop into my mind was that people haven’t changed much since the time of Moses.
Think about it..
Moses got the pharaoh to let the Hebrews go when they had been enslaved for years.
Then when they got to the red sea they all started to turn on him!
Why did you bring us out of Egypt, just to die out here!!! was just one thing that they said.
Then they did it again just after crossing the red sea.
Why did you bring us out of Egypt to wander the desert and die out here???
As people, we tend to lose sight of what God has given us. Even if he just gave something awesome YESTERDAY! !
The last thing that really stood out to me is that God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.
What I mean by that is that Moses wasn’t qualified to lead the people of Israel.
He was slow in speech and had a ton of self-doubt.
I mean, he actually asked God to give him someone that would talk on his behalf to the pharaoh and the Hebrews.
God didn’t call on Moses because he was qualified.
It was actually quite the opposite!!
So the next time you feel that you are not qualified to do what you are being called to do.
Remember that God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called!
Time to Take Action
Today I want you to take a second and read the story of Moses.
Then after you read (listen to) it. I want you to reflect on all the things that you have accomplished and think about if you were qualified to accomplish those tasks, or if you became qualified because you accomplished those.
Second, I would like you to think about what it means to have a herd mentality.
That is where you follow what everyone else is doing.
Now ponder for a moment on those moments that made you qualified, were they because you used the herd mentality, or was it because you thought outside the box and pushed away from the herd?
Lord, today we come to you with hearts that are full of thankfulness. We are so grateful for everything that you have given unto us. And everything that you will ever give unto us.
We are thankful for the opportunities that you give us and the fact you don’t call the qualified, you qualify the called. That means that there is hope for all of us to grow in ways that we never imagined possible.
God, we are thankful that you give us the means to accomplish what you call us to. God, today we pray that you give us the grace to accept our mission humbly and to KNOW in our hearts that you have called us to serve these missions.
We ask all these things in your precious son’s name.
A Little More
Do we choose our missions and sometimes our missions choose us?
When I became a CDL tester I was sure that I chose my mission.
But now that I reflect on that choice I am not so sure that I chose that mission.
It might have chosen me!
Ok the more I reflect on it I am 1000% sure IT chose me.
I might have thought, It sure would be nice to make a couple hundred $$ a week to begin with. Or maybe it sure would be nice to be known as a CDL tester in our community.
Was I qualified to be a CDL tester when I first started looking into it???
I mean I was a good driver, but I did not really have the people skills that I needed to be a GREAT tester.
I still remember the first few tests that I did.
There is a part when as the tester I say, Up ahead, pull the truck over to the right side of the road and secure it as if we were going to get out and check something at the rear of the vehicle.
The first few times I did this, ok more like the first year. The driver would look at me and say, Did I do something wrong?
Then I would have to explain how it is just a procedure we have to do for the test.
Now after being a tester for over a decade, no one asks me if they did something wrong.
Because now I know how to say it without causing them to question if they have done something wrong.
My point here is that, to begin with, I was not a qualified tester, but now I am overqualified and have helped numerous other people become qualified CDL testers.
Eclipse DOT is the exact same.
When I first started the business, was I qualified to be a business owner?
But I was called to run this business. So I did the best I could.
Now, 3 years later. I’m still not qualified to run it. but I am way more qualified to do it than I used to be.
The exact same thing with God’s First Life!
When we start a new project we are not usually qualified to accomplish that project
But by the end, we are usually overqualified for that project. As long as we try hard and give it the whole college try!!
Next time you feel that you can’t do something because you don’t know how to do it. just remember that no one is qualified when they are called to start a new project.
Dan Greer