Core Values & How To Get Yours.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
Let me start by saying that this is a DO IT Devotional!
So get ready to take action.
Recently I had the amazing opportunity to attend a Mastermind group in Cancun, Mexico.
When I say it was amazing that is no lie. We spent about 4-6 hours a day learning from experts in tons of different industries. Then we had the rest of the day to spend exploring the area and the resort.
While we were there I took over 19 pages of notes!
Not only that, we did some great exercises that truly helped me to open my eyes and allow myself to grow and hit the next goals that I had already set.
In the past, I would look at those goals and I had some major internal and external beliefs that would never allow me to meet them.
We could go into those beliefs, but we don’t have that much time. Lol
One of my biggest takeaways from this week-long experience was that you have to Dream Big!
But before you can dream big you have to figure out what your core values are.
Russell Brunson had us do an exercise that made me figure out my core values super easily.
Do you want to know what it was?
Ok, I will tell you on one condition..
Here it is.
Get a pad of sticky notes and clear off your desk. If you don’t have sticky notes that’s ok, just cut some papers into small squares or rectangles (the shape doesn’t matter).
Ok now, what I want you to do is write down everything you enjoy. One item per sticky note.
Here are some of mine to get your brain going.
Playing family board games
Trips to San Diego
Watching a show at night with Jenna before we fall asleep
Reading books
Helping others learn
Growing businesses
Helping other businesses
Buying 4-H animals at the fair
I think you get the point.
Ok set a timer for 3 minutes and write as many as you can. Pro Tip: instead of setting a time, find a motivational song and write until the song is finished. (Click here for a song)
Here is a picture of what mine looked like.

Ok, great job. Now re-arrange those sticky notes into groups. There should be about 5-6 groups.

Those are your core values. These are things that bring you the most joy.
Mine are:
Business/ Building something amazing
I know some of those surprised me too! What the heck, I had no idea I was into health!
Russell Brunson calls these “hall of fame goals, but I like to call them my core values.
They are my core values because when someone looks at my life I want them to see these things shining brighter and stronger than anything else.
If you go back and review my Facebook profile I’ll bet that you can see this.
I will also bet that you can see how my core values have changed over the past 10+ years too.
Take Action
So here’s what I want you to do!
After you do the exercise, reflect on your life and what it someone who doesn’t know you from Adam would see when they find your profile.
Here are my company’s core values written out.
Eclipse DOT is the leader in the transportation community. We help people build, grow, and scale their businesses to levels that they have only dreamed about.
Eclipse DOT values family. Not only our teams families but also the families of our community! We know that if we do not have the support of those close to us then we can never truly grow.
Communities are an integral part of our lives. Eclipse DOT encourages the development and growth of communities. The way we encourage growth in our community is through networking and making new connections.
Eclipse DOT encourages everyone on our team to live not only a healthy lifestyle but also to have a healthy mindset. Because our mind is the most powerful tool that we have. Fun Fact your brain only makes up about 2% of your body weight but consumes 20% of your daily calories. So eat healthily and exercise daily!
Traveling adds excitement to our lives. We encourage our whole team to travel multiple times throughout the year. We also encourage our community to travel too. Not only to our events but also to fun and exciting locations.
Here at Eclipse DOT, we believe that God is the reason for everything. He gives us ideas, guidance, and the strength to continue. God is a major part of the company, our culture, and our values. We also know that it is ok if you don’t believe the same way we do.
Can you see how these relate directly to my personal core values?
Now get out there, figure out what your values are, and share them with the world!
PS if you ever need help getting something done, just start writing a devotional on it, and then you have to finish writing them out. That’s what happened to me. Lol
Lord, God, today we come to you with full hearts. We are so grateful that you give us so much more than we deserve. God, we are grateful for the opportunity to network and also to share what we learn. God, I pray that you would help everyone who reads this to take action and actually do the exercise.
I pray that you will help each and every one of us to really find our true core values. God, I pray that you would help us to truly find why you designed us and follow you in everything that we do. God, I pray that you would help us to live a life where when others see us and how we act and react they can see alive in our every action.
God, we are so grateful that you give us guidance and love to share with the world. I pray that you will light our path even brighter than you have before.
In your precious son’s name, we ask all these things.
A little More
Jenna and I spent a week in Cancun, Mexico for this amazing experience.
And let me tell you it was amazing and life-changing for both of us.
I have to say that I took WAY more notes than she did. Lol
But I do believe that it opened her eyes even more to some of the possibilities that are out there for us.
Throughout the week we casually bumped into Russell Brunson and Todd Dickerson (the creators of Click Funnels) several times and had some great conversations with both of them.
The first night of the mastermind we had a group dinner. When Jenna walked in she said, You lead the way.
Well, I chose a table that was, to say the least, not our style! I’m not saying that they weren’t nice, or that they weren’t successful.
I’m just saying that we didn’t jive. Our conversations didn’t bring anything to fruition for either of us.
Then later in the week, we had another group dinner.
This time I told Jenna, I picked the last table and it was a MAJOR flop. This time it’s your turn.
Well, Jenna is way smarter than I am. She said out loud, God help guide us to a table that will be perfect for us.
Why didn’t I think of that?
Ask and the door will be opened.
We had dinner with a couple. She was from Romania and used to be a professional gymnast. He was in the medical field and had a business that helped Dr.s take the step out on their own. Among many other things.
During the conversation, we talked about both of our businesses. It was amazing to hear what he had accomplished, and in turn, he was amazed to hear where we are in our business too.
After talking for a few minutes, we got onto the topic of the software we are building. He asked what it does and what its purpose was.
Then after talking a little more, he looked over at me, smiled, and said, have you ever thought about building that exact same system for the medical field?
I was filled with excitement and scared to death at the same time.
Excited because someone else saw the validity in our program.
Scared to death because I realized that we haven’t even begun to touch the potential of our program.
God is Great, all we have to do is pray, listen, and take action!
Will you pray with us?
Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation
All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel
For all military personal serving our country and their families
Those in Leadership positions throughout the world