Encouraging Generosity: The Joy of Sharing

"Team communication and harmony with Ephesians 4:31-32"

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Acts 20:35 (ESV)


There’s something powerful about generosity that transcends the act itself. It’s more than just a transaction; it’s a reflection of the heart. When we share what we have with others, we’re doing more than just meeting a need—we’re participating in a divine principle that Jesus Himself taught: it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Let’s be real for a moment—life is busy. We’ve got work, family, responsibilities, and a whole lot of distractions. It’s easy to fall into the mindset of just trying to get through the day, focused on our own needs and wants. But here’s the thing: when we shift our focus outward, when we look for ways to share and help those around us, something amazing happens. We tap into a joy that can’t be found in accumulating more for ourselves. We experience the blessing that comes from giving.

Acts 20:35 reminds us of this truth. Paul, speaking to the leaders of the church in Ephesus, recounts the words of Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This wasn’t just a nice sentiment; it was a way of life for Paul and the early Christians. They understood that generosity wasn’t just about the material—it was about sharing the love of Christ in tangible ways.

But why is it more blessed to give than to receive? It’s because giving shifts our focus from ourselves to others. It opens our eyes to the needs around us and reminds us that we are part of something bigger than our own little world. When we give, we’re not just helping someone else; we’re also allowing God to work in us, to shape our hearts to be more like His.

I’ve seen this in my own life countless times. There have been moments when giving wasn’t convenient or easy. Maybe I was tired, busy, or felt like I didn’t have much to offer. But every time I stepped out in faith to share what I had—whether it was time, money, or just a listening ear—I found that the joy I received far outweighed whatever I gave up. It’s like God pours His blessing into the space we create when we give, filling us with a sense of purpose and fulfillment that nothing else can provide.

Generosity isn’t just about big, grand gestures. It’s about the small, everyday choices we make to be a blessing to others. It’s about listening to a coworker who’s having a tough day, helping a neighbor with their groceries, or donating to a cause that’s close to your heart. These acts of sharing, no matter how small, are opportunities to live out the truth of Acts 20:35.

As we move forward this week, I want to encourage you to look for ways to share what you have. Maybe it’s time, maybe it’s resources, maybe it’s just a word of encouragement. Whatever it is, give it freely, knowing that in God’s economy, it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.


Heavenly Father,

We thank You for the gift of generosity and for the truth that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Help us to embrace this principle in our daily lives, to see the opportunities You place before us to share Your love with others.

Lord, we ask that You cultivate in us a spirit of generosity, one that mirrors Your own heart. Open our eyes to the needs around us and give us the courage to step out in faith to meet those needs. May our giving be a reflection of Your grace, bringing joy not only to those we help but also to our own hearts.

Teach us to value the joy of sharing above the temporary satisfaction of receiving. Let us be a light in our communities, showing others the love of Christ through our actions. And as we give, may we experience the deep, abiding joy that comes from being a vessel of Your blessing.

We commit this week to You, Lord, and ask that You guide us in all that we do. May our lives be marked by generosity, and may we find true happiness in sharing the blessings You have given us.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,



As you go about your week, remember these words: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Let them guide your actions and fill your heart with the joy that comes from sharing what you have with others.

God bless, and let’s keep Him first in everything we do.


For more uplifting devotionals and prayers, visit God First Life. 

Dan Greer