God has a Plan For You

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and future. “


Jeremiah 29:11


The Lord doesn’t want us to fail. In fact, he wants nothing but the opposite. He wants us to succeed every time. Nevertheless, he does understand that sometimes we need to fail in order to truly succeed. He uses those hard times to help us grow if we allow him to.

You can ask my parents, I was a tough child to raise. I was stubborn, loud, knew it all, couldn’t be told anything, lost my temper, got in trouble for everything, and took chances I shouldn’t have taken. My parents had their hands full, to say the least. God had plans for me though and they knew that. (That is probably why they didn’t give up on me.)

God never gave up on me either. He knew that eventually, I would turn around and truly accept him into my life. He knew that I start writing devotionals to help others endure the same things I have in my past. He knew that I would prosper.

You see God gives us every situation we are in for a reason. I didn’t understand most of the time why things happened the way they did. I used to not accept that God has a plan as a reason either. Now I know that God has a plan. I know that he is helping me to grow. I know that he truly wants us to prosper because he has plans for our future. Plans that we know nothing about, yet.

Until I was about 31, I said that I would never want to work for myself. I wanted the comfort of getting a paycheck and not having to worry about the other parts of the business. God had blinded me to the fact that I was supposed to be an entrepreneur. He made it to where I could not see that that was part of my role in his world.

I could look back and think, God why didn’t you allow me to see this earlier? On the other hand, I can look back and think, I am so grateful that you put me in each and every situation that you did so that I could learn and have hope for the future.

I’m grateful that you gave me an opportunity to learn and meet a TON of people that I will be able to help now and in the future.I know that God’s plans are bigger than mine, and I accept that. I know that he never had intentions to cause me harm. He loves me, just as my parents love me. He wants nothing but the best for all of us.

Things to think about
Is there something that happened to you that you didn’t understand at first, but later knew that God protected you? Have you ever failed only to find out that you learned so much more through that process than you ever could have otherwise?

Do you trust that God is there for you every day in every way?



Lord, we come to you today with a humble heart. We know that you love us, and we are thankful for that. Love is what keeps us moving every day. We would thank you for giving us opportunities to grow. Even if we don’t see those opportunities right now, we know that you are here for us.

God, you give us hope every day and encouragement. We pray that you help us to give that same hope to others. Help us to never give up on anyone just as you never give up on us. We pray that you open our eyes to see you working in, not only our lives but also those around us. Help us to stay strong and be the encouragement you NEED us to be.

Lord, we thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and patience. Thank you.




Will you pray with us?

Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation

All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

For all military personal serving our country and their families

Those in Leadership positions throughout the world