“In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will”


Ephesians 1:11


We were all created for a reason. We may not know that reason yet or our true purpose but rest assured God knows it and he is grooming you and me to be the perfect person.

Have you ever had a time in your life when you didn’t understand why something was happening? I can think of about, let’s see, way too many times that it happened to me. When I was younger, I remember applying for a job and being super stoked that I was asked to interview. Nailing the interview, I mean I just killed it. Then right before walking out the door, I asked a question that put doubt into the manager’s head. Not getting the job and wondering why God didn’t allow this to happen. Guess what if I would have gotten that job, there is a very real chance that you wouldn’t be reading this today.

God already knows our path. He does his very best to ensure that we follow it.

Ed Mylett recently interviewed Darryl Strawberry on his podcast and it was amazing to hear his story and how he gave all credit to God for everything that happened. Even the stuff that we would never see as Godly. He knew that if he did endure and encounter the hard times in his life he would not be able to connect with God the same way as he does today. One of my favorite lines was I’m a sinner. I’m just not practicing right now! How profound and true is that?

God knows where we are supposed to be. Who we are going to influence, and he will give us the platform we need. He knows us before we are ever born, he knows us when we are in the womb. Trust in God and know that no matter what happens it is God’s plan.

God never said once in the bible that having faith would be easy, or that bad things would happen if we had strong faith. He did however say that he would never guv us more than we could handle. God is building the perfect you!!



God as we come to you today we know that you are in control of our entire lives. We know that you have a purpose for us and that you are preparing us for what you truly have intended for our lives.

We ask that you give us the patience and preservice to keep on keeping on through the trials. We pray that you help us to keep in contact with you through the great times. Most of all God, we thank you for making us who we are and helping to mold us into who YOU need us to be. Thank you for making me, me!
