How To Have It All!

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
Colossians 3:23
How to have it all while being personally and professionally satisfied, if that’s even possible for those of us who are driven.
When things are scary, just do it!
Before we dive into today’s thought, I want to share a little about myself.
I’m from Southwest Colorado & we live on my great-grandfather’s homestead. My kids are the 5th generation to grow up on the same chunk of dirt. There’s not too many people who can say that.
Now that’s a blessing and also some days a curse depending on how you look at it. But for the most part, it’s a blessing to live around family.
You can see more of my life on my socials – where I tend to go a little deeper. My handle is @therealdangreer on Instagram for those of you on there.
Okay, let’s dive in!
It is possible to truly have it all when we choose to relentlessly pursue our calling.
The first thing we need to understand is that we all have a calling in our lives. Everyone is called to do something. I am called to be a father, husband, believer, to start a business and help others.
Working in the trucking and regulation space, the whole DOT side of things is a calling God placed in my life. I know that DOT Regulations are like speaking Greek for most people out there, but that is my calling.
This has led me to start a business and even start a non-profit, doing weekly devotionals, and so many other things because I chose to pursue it because of the callings God placed in my life.
I’m not sharing any of this to brag, but I want to show you guys what is possible.
My son is super hard headed, and he absolutely loves animals. He’s into falconry and is such a smart kid, he got his falconry license when he turned 16.
He is one of the youngest in the country to do that.
I have a son who wants to be a voice actor, and my daughter loves to teach, that’s her calling, and my youngest, bless him, wants to be like me someday. And I really hope he realizes just how much of an imperfect person I am.
I digress.
Part of having it all is listening to that calling. This brings us to our first step in the framework.
- Acknowledging that we are called for something.
Many of us are called for things we are not ready to do. Part of my calling personally is to share my love of God with others. Part of it is being a loving husband.
The goal is to acknowledge that we have a calling placed on our lives and work out our path to relentlessly pursue it.
- Accept our calling.
Starting Eclipse DOT was something I put off for years. I personally denied starting a business and wasn’t willing to accept my calling.
The truth is that I used to say, I will never own a business because I do not want the stress that comes with it!
But when I finally accepted it, my life changed.
We recently watched the movie ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ and in it we see Jane Foster, Thor’s girlfriend, accepting that Thor’s old hammer was calling her. She makes her way to the place where the hammer is kept, and she picks it up even though Thor was the only person who was worthy to lift it in the past.
When she gets there, walks over to this shattered hammer and all of the pieces magically come back together and float into her hand.
Now that might not be the best analogy but acknowledging and accepting our calling is crucial to living a life where we can have it all.
- Take Action.
Start putting yourself out there. It doesn’t have to be huge steps but moving the needle is important to pursue our calling.
Let’s take a moment to look at architects. Now I’m quite sure, but I don’t know of any architect who starts off their career by designing a skyscraper. They probably started off by building a small house or shed, then they designed a bigger house, then maybe a mansion, then maybe a story building. Then they moved up to a 10-story building.
Likewise, you don’t want to start by trying to run a billion-dollar company if you have never ran a $100,000 company. The things you learn at each phase are extremely important.
- Pursue our calling, relentlessly.
Let’s start with what relentless means.
Dan’s definition is: Never Giving Up. Fighting until you win. Finding a way to make it happen no matter what.
That is Relentless to me.
So far there have been tons of times while I have been going after my calling when I felt unbalanced.
This isn’t a BAD thing.
Here is the thing when you get relentless you get unbalanced, for a short period of time.
Let’s look at when I built our home.
I would get up early and be at work before the sun came up. Work a 10+ hour day at work. Then as soon as I got home I started building our home.
Every hour of the weekend and every hour I was awake was spent on pursuing that dream.
It took me just 14 months to complete our house. And we built it by ourselves, with help from family. But I literally troweled every inch of concrete, laid every hose for the heating and plumbing, hung every sheet of drywall, screwed down every piece of tin on the roof, wired every single light switch in our whole house, and nailed every stud in every wall.
This was a season in my life where I was radically imbalanced and relentless. But as I accomplished my dream my life started to become even more balanced than it was before.
Now I am in much of the same state again because we are building this business.
And like the house, I am driving every Nail throughout the business.
But in the end, I know that my relentless pursuit will have amazing rewards.
In the relentless pursuit of our calling, being unbalanced is unavoidable, but focusing on the right thing helps us move toward our calling.
I want to leave you with this thought. NEVER GIVE UP. Pursue your calling, relentlessly with passion, even when you can’t see it.
Take Action
What are you called to do?
How can you do it relentlessly?
What is one thing that you are going to do right now to get started?
Lord, Today we come to you with full hearts. We know that all good things come to those who wait. As long as we work like heck while we wait. Lord, today we would like to pray for patience from those around us while we work HARDER than ever on the projects that we are currently accomplishing.
God, we pray that you give us wisdom beyond belief to know the next step. Give us the courage to take action on our calling. Give us the knowledge to know that you have a plan for us that is beyond what we could ever imagine for ourselves.
We ask all these things in your Precious Son’s Name
A Little More
Today I would like to take you back to when we built our house.
Talk about a time of imbalance.
Jenna always knew that we wanted to build a house. And we also knew that we wanted to build it ourselves.
We had two stipulations that we both agreed on before we started building our home.
- We would not be pregnant while we built.
Jenna wanted to be involved in the building and I knew that I needed her help.
I love my queen, but when she was pregnant she was miserable. Sick all the time. Extremely irritable. Short tempered. Not understanding at all. Nothing was ever good enough.
2. Our kid’s rooms would be 100% the same size so that none of them could complain about the other having a bigger room.
Both were great things to agree on.
The thing is that we didn’t bring God into these decisions. We made them and that was that.
I’m pretty sure that he heard us talking, looked at us, smiled, and said, Watch this! I’m going to give you what you NEED, not what you want!!!
We started building our house in February of 2011. Brianna Lynn Greer Was born in March of 2012.
It took us 14 months to build our home.
You do the math!
Jenna got pregnant just a few months after we started building. Lol
We designed our house for 2 kids.
Now we have 4.
None of our kids have the same size rooms.
Back to the point of this story.
During the 14 months it took us to build our home we were extremely imbalanced.
You should know that Jenna and I built this house with our own 2 hands.
There were only 2 things that we hired out. The first was the tape and texture of our drywall. I had a grandpa that wanted to help us, so he hired some of his buddies to tape and texture our drywall.
The second thing we hired out was the stucco.
We had a group of people come by and ask if they could stucco our house. They gave me the estimate, and it was so reasonable that I couldn’t do it for that price. So we hired them to do that.
When I say that we built a house I don’t mean that we hired someone to build our home. I mean that we built it from the ground up.
I dug the foundation, set the footers, ordered, poured, and trowled the concrete.
Framed the walls, plumbed the house, wired it for electricity, and installed the in-floor heating.
We were doing things that were so far ahead of our time when the inspectors came out to do one of the inspections. He said, If you didn’t have all this work done I would make you tear it all out and start from scratch.
Then later on he came back and said, what you did 12 months ago is just now starting to become popular. I’m glad I didn’t make you tear it out. They are saying what you did is the best possible way to do it.
When I say we built our home I MEAN WE BUILT OUR HOUSE!
I would get up, go to work, come home and go to work on the house. Then about 10 or 11 pm I would go to bed. Then get up the next day and do it all over again.
On weekends I was up before the sun came up and worked well into the night by lights.
Talk about a time of imbalance.
But here is the thing.
After that short 14 months of doing NOTHING except building our house. We are still enjoying our home to this day. 12 years and counting!
Originally we built our home on our own because my dad built his, and my grandparents built theirs.
Not to mention it was going to save us a TON of $$$$.
In the end, I know that God had us build this amazing home because he needed me to know that I can do anything that I put my mind to.
He needed to know that if the world laughs at you, it shouldn’t detour you. Instead, it should be the fuel that makes your passion EXPLODE!
He needed me to go through that process so that if we boot-strap a multi-million $$ business I would know that times of imbalance are needed for ultimately achieving EXTREME goals.
Dan Greer