Pick Up Your Shovel And Dig Another Well

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. “
Philippians 4:12
Last night I was at the Bar D and Gary Cook sang the song Dig Another Well. While he was singing it God literally spoke to me through this song.
I know that the link included is not of Gary Cook, but it will have to do.
The words of the first few verses of the song are:
Well Ike had a blessing from the Lord up above.
He gave him a beautiful woman to love.
A place to live and some land to farm
Two good legs and two good arms
Well the devil came sneakin around one night
Decided he would do a little evil to Ike
Figured he would hit old Ike where it hurts
So he filled up all of Ike’s wells with dirt
How often has this happened to you?
It seems like it happens every day and at different times to me. Maybe I’m really looking forward to a GREAT cup of coffee and then the stinking coffee maker won’t work. Or on my way to work a deer runs out in front of me and I slam on my brakes to avoid hitting.
All of these little things are Satin trying to get under our skin.
As we continue through the song it really hits home even more for me.
And when Ike went out for his morning drink
He got a dipper full of dirt and his heart did sink
But he knew it was the devil so he said with a grin.
God blessed me once and he can do it again
He blessed me once and he can do it again
So when the rains don’t fall and the crops all fail
And the cows ain’t puttin’ any milk in the pail
Don’t sit around waitin’ for a check in the mail
Just pick up the shovel and dig another well
Pick up the shovel and dig another well
Ike was disappointed when he found out what Satan did.
Heck, I would be too. Digging a well is hard work.
The key here is how Ike dealt with the situation. He picked up his shovel and started digging again.
All too often we dwell in our own misery instead of simply giving it to God and moving forward.
Personally, this hit home really hard. There have been sometimes lately especially with the businesses we run where things don’t go exactly as planned. Maybe the person you want to take a job finds a better one (for them). Maybe HUGE plans get canceled and we have to find another way to make it work. Or maybe it’s as simple as you have so much work that you feel like you can’t even start to get out from under the pile of paperwork backing up.
What I heard here was simply, don’t worry about it, don’t think about it, don’t talk about it. Just pick up your shovel and start working.
This message hit me like a TON of bricks as I sat in a beautiful setting surrounded by my wonderful wife and family. I grabbed her arm and gave it a little (huge) squeeze and fought off the tears as I knew that God is there for us.
Just like he is there for you.
As we read Chapter 4 verses 12 and 13 in Philippians they say:
‘I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. ‘
These verses are exactly what this song says, just in other words.
We have lived in poverty, with nothing.
We have lived in wealth, not having to worry about what you buy when you go grocery shopping.
The secret is to be content no matter what situation you are in. So if you wake up and everything you own is gone, look to God and let him know that you trust him.
Because he blessed you once and he can do it again. God blessed me once and he can do it again. (sing those last two sentences).
We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.
Here are a few ways you can take action RIGHT NOW.
- Go listen to the song dig another well at this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtCa_uiU5A4. As you listen to the song, think about how you have been blessed. Also, think about what you would do if you woke up tomorrow. What would you do? How would you start to rebuild your life? Look for the blessings that you still have, like a beautiful wife, a nice home, means of transportation.
- Take time to pray every day. I’m not one to tell anyone how, when, or where to pray.
Pray every day, pray everywhere, pray about everything.
Let the Good Lord know just how thankful you are for where he has taken you.
- Let those around you know how much they mean to you. Take a few moments to call or text those close to you and let them know that they are important to you.
You don’t know that call might be exactly what you need to keep going today.
Lord, God, Father in heaven. Today we want to simply say thank you. Thank you for speaking to us through our experiences. Thank you for speaking to us through those you place in our lives. Thank you for opening our ears to hear your message. Even when it comes from places we might never expect it to come from. We also want to say thank you for giving us the courage to keep moving forward. Especially when Satan comes in overnight and fills all of our wells up with dirt.
We know that you have blessed us all before and that you can do it again. Our job is to stay positive and keep moving forward. God, I have to laugh when I think about talking to someone who is negative and we say, God’s got this try to find the positive side of things. And they respond back with, I’m positive that this will not turn out well. The reason we laugh is that we know different things. We know that you use EVERY situation you place us in to GROW.
You use those special circumstances to mold and shape us into the people you need us to be. So we can pick up our shovels, no matter what happens, and dig another well. God, we are so grateful for everything you give unto us, and we know that you don’t have to protect us. You CHOOSE to protect us. So thank you for that too. Lord, God, thank you for everything. We pray that you give us the encouragement to keep moving forward. Give us the strength to pick up our shovel every morning.
Lord, we ask these things in your precious son’s name.
Will you pray with us?
Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation
All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel
For all military personal serving our country and their families
Those in Leadership positions throughout the world