Praying in Faith Without Doubt

James 1:6-8

“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”


James 1:6-8


The Bible if full of verses that talk about overcoming doubt.  Not only verses but whole stories. Pretty much everyone in the bible at one point had to overcome their doubt. When they overcame it, they lived a GREAT life.

Praying without doubt can be difficult though.  Think back, was there ever a time where you prayed for something but new in the back of your mind that it would or could never happen.  You were not alone.  I’ve been there many times and still fight with it constantly.

Just the other day I sent a prayer up to help us reach X more people with our devotionals and our website ( but knew that the number was way too high and it could never happen.  In my mind, I said if it happens now, I know that God wants it to happen. Guess what, it didn’t happen at first. I was testing God with my prayer instead of praying with faith.  You see my intentions were good, but my prayer was not in faith. I doubted that he could or would do what I asked.

So many of us have stories like this in our lives. The big question is how did you react to the unanswered prayer.

I choose to pray again. I prayed differently this time though. My prayer wasn’t prayed with doubt it was prayed with faith. This time I prayed knowing that God would make it happen. I prayed without any doubt that he could make it happen. Not only did you meet our goals for how many we touched we far exceeded them. 

I encourage all of you right now to say a prayer again that you have said in the past but had doubts. This time say it with faith, say it knowing that God will fulfill your prayer. Say it knowing that it will happen. And He *said to them, Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20



Lord, we come to you today with our hearts open and all doubt removed. We come to you today to say thank you. Thank you for the strength to remove our doubt so that we can pray with full faith.

Thank you for giving us the faith to know that when we pray to you doubt free, we know that you will give us what we need. We also thank you for giving us what we need but not always what we want. You always have our best interests in your heart.

Lord, we are grateful for the life you have allowed us to live and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the future. Lord, we pray that you will be with the world and everyone in it, and we pray that you allow others to see you through the way we live our lives.

Thank you for giving us the power of faith, help us to use it every chance we get to spread your word, your love, and your grace!




Will you pray with us?

Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation

All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

For all military personal serving our country and their families

Those in Leadership positions throughout the world