Do It For The Right Reasons!

“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.”
Proverbs 21:21
Hey there, brothers and sisters!
In a world that’s all about “me, me, me,” it’s crucial that we keep reminding ourselves to do things for the right reasons.
Our scripture for today, Proverbs 21:21, gives us a nudge in the right direction, showing us the awesome rewards that come when we pursue righteousness and love in everything we do.
Now, pursuing righteousness means we’re walking the talk and living in line with God’s awesome plan.
It means making the conscious choice to do what’s right, even when the world around us is tempting us to take shortcuts.
It’s about picking honesty over deceit, kindness over cruelty, and integrity over personal gain. When we commit to living righteous lives, guess what?
We discover life’s real, vibrant, and overflowing life that can’t be found anywhere else!
But hold on, there’s more! We’ve also got to pursue love, my friends. Love is the fuel that powers our actions and interactions with others.
When we’ve got genuine love as our motive, we approach relationships and responsibilities with grace, humility, and compassion.
Love motivates us to selflessly serve others, lend a helping hand to those in need, and forgive those who’ve wronged us.
And guess what happens when we prioritize love?
We find prosperity not just in terms of cold, hard cash, but in the richness of our hearts and the deep satisfaction that goes beyond material possessions.
But wait, there’s even more!
Pursuing righteousness and love also brings honor our way. When we’re driven by pure motives aligned with God’s heart, people can’t help but notice.
Our actions speak volumes about our character, and when we consistently choose righteousness and love, we become shining beacons of light in a dark world.
Others are drawn to the authenticity and integrity that flow from a life lived for the right reasons.
So, let’s take a moment to reflect, my friends.
Are we truly pursuing righteousness and love in everything we do? Are we seeking to honor God and bless others with our actions?
Let’s ditch the phony acts and superficial deeds.
God sees right through them, after all. Instead, let’s surrender our selfish desires to our loving Savior and let Him shape our motives and guide our steps.
When we do everything for the right reasons, we find true fulfillment, boundless joy, and the incredible eternal rewards that are waiting for us.
Now, how about we say a prayer together? Heavenly Father, we come before You today, seeking Your guidance in all that we do. Help us to pursue righteousness and love with a genuine heart. Show us any areas where we’ve been driven by selfishness or personal gain, and give us the strength to realign our hearts with Your perfect will. We long to live lives that honor You and bless those around us. In the awesome name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!
Remember, my friends, let’s keep it real, let’s keep it righteous, and let’s keep it loving as we journey through life. God’s got some incredible adventures in store for us when we do things for the right reasons!
Now, how about we say a prayer together?
Heavenly Father, we come before You today, seeking Your guidance in all that we do. We acknowledge that our human nature often leads us astray, causing us to pursue selfish desires and personal gain. But we long to be transformed by Your love and grace, to live lives that reflect Your righteousness and love.
In the stillness of this moment, we ask for Your divine intervention. Show us, Lord, any areas where we have been driven by selfishness, pride, or worldly ambitions. Expose the motives of our hearts, and help us to see the truth of our actions.
Grant us the humility and wisdom to recognize the areas in our lives where we have strayed from Your perfect will. Fill us with a genuine desire to realign our hearts with Your purposes and to walk in obedience to Your commands.
We confess, Lord, that we often fall short of the righteousness and love You call us to. Forgive us for the times when we have neglected the needs of others, when we have been driven by our own agendas instead of seeking Your guidance. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness and renew our hearts with Your unfailing love.
Help us, Heavenly Father, to live lives that honor You and bless those around us. May our words, actions, and decisions be guided by Your wisdom and compassion. Give us the strength to extend grace, forgiveness, and love to those who cross our paths.
As we seek to do everything for the right reasons, we surrender our ambitions and aspirations into Your hands. Align our hearts with Your perfect will, and empower us to be vessels of Your love in this world. May our lives be a testimony to Your transformative power, drawing others closer to You.
In the awesome name of Jesus, who lived a life of perfect righteousness and love, we pray. Amen!
May this prayer be a reminder for us to continually seek God’s guidance and to pursue righteousness and love with genuine hearts. May He grant us the strength and wisdom to realign our lives with His perfect will and to honor Him in all that we do.
Dan Greer