Recognize Jesus

“As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

Luke 1:44-45

Isn’t it amazing that the first person to recognize Jesus was an unborn child?

We could take this devotional in a million different directions, but today we are going to focus on recognizing Jesus and God in every aspect of your life.

When something happens, good or bad, can you see God’s hand in it?  Do you take time to give him credit for the experience he just gave you?

Elizabeth did.  She exclaimed after the baby leaped in her womb, blessed are you among women.  She knew God was there and she gave full credit to him for the baby recognizing Jesus.

Take a second to look around you. Can you see where God is working in your life?  Maybe it was finding what you needed at the grocery store. Or getting a promotion, or maybe not getting that promotion. Possibly it was getting to see sea turtles released back into the ocean. Being able to eat, having the senses you do (sight, hearing, smell, touch).  You see God is in every aspect of our lives. We just have to recognize it and give him FULL credit.

Why is it then that we struggle to recognize him today when an unborn child can feel his presence?

One reason, that I know of, is that we try to find answers to everything. Here are a few examples. Rainbows appear because the water allows us to see the ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. The Grand Canyon was formed by “100 of millions of years of water erosion.  We got to work safely today because we have a nice reliable vehicle.

While some of these are true, the fact is that without God none of these would be possible.

Even more, we need to give God full credit for everything.  From the smallest details of our lives to the biggest events that happen.

Today take a few moments to think about how God is working in your life. But don’t stop there. Next, give him FULL credit for everything! From the smallest details all the way up to the most amazing thing that has happened in your life. Give him credit because he is the one who shows you where to go and what to do.



God, today we come to you to give you full credit for everything in our lives. We want to give you credit for designing the rainbow, for making the Grand Canyon, the deep blue oceans, and the tides that go in and out every day.

We want to give you credit for allowing us to be able to feel and to see the wonders you made. Thank you for everything that you have ever given to us.  Thank you for the things that we might not see as blessings, but we know that you always have our best interests at heart.  God, we know that you are alive and working every day in our lives in so many ways. 

We want to give you FULL credit for everything. Thank you for allowing John, Elizabeth’s baby, to recognize Jesus to help give us faith. Thank you.


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