Risk VS Reward

Here’ the thing.
Business and life are all about risk vs reward.
And when we know what the risk is, it is easy for most of us to weigh out the risk and rewards so that we can figure out if it is worth it for us.
Let me break it down and simplify the risk vs reward process.
Let’s When risks take speeding as an example.
If you know my dad you know that going over the speed limit is the same as breaking any other law. The words I heard growing up in conversation were, You can NOT kind of kill someone, so how can you kind of speed? You are breaking the law either way. So my dad didn’t speed ever.
Mom, on the other hand, was her father’s daughter. And I loved riding with Grandpa Ralph because we would fly over hills and around corners. There were multiple times riding with him as a child we would go over a hill and my butt would literally leave the seat as we topped the hill.
Mom wasn’t quite that bad, but I do remember a few officers shaking a finger at her as they passed us going the other way.
Me, I am more like my Great Grandpa Phelps, the one my Grandpa Phelps learned from. lol
When you don’t speed there is practically no financial risk. As long as you aren’t a bad or dumb driver you should not get a ticket or get pulled over.
We all know that if we go 4 MPH over the speed limit, most officers will not pull us over. They could pull you over but most officers won’t bother.
If you are going between 5-10 MPH over the speed limit then there is a MUCH higher chance of getting pulled over, but you might not get a ticket depending on the officer’s mood and your attitude.
And if you are doing more than 10MPH over the speed limit, you will almost always get pulled over. And ticketed.
Now that we have the financial risk laid out, let’s move on to the safety risk.
1-4 MPH over the speed limit, usually doesn’t pose a HUGE risk for safety. Unless you are going into some tight curves. As long as you are a competent driver and have some experience you should be able to handle most everything on the road. Nonetheless, your risk of an accident is still higher because you are going faster.
5-10 MPH over the speed limit your chances of an accident are even higher. As long as you know the road you will most likely be able to handle the situation. The thing that you lose control over is the other drivers on the road and the wildlife. If a deer decides to dart out in front of you when you are going that fast it will be even harder to stop. Not to mention your reactions could cause a worse accident at higher speeds.
10+ MPH Over the speed limit is a much greater risk of an accident. Your reaction time will be delayed because your mind is not 100% on the task of driving and you are about 287% more likely to get into an accident even if you know the road. Most of the time when people go that fast they are in a hurry and not paying attention, there are other things on their minds. Or they are in such a hurry that they are more willing to make bad judgment calls to get there faster. Like passing when it’s not safe or taking corners faster than the vehicle can handle them.
Ok, Let’s recap real quick.
Not speeding at all: Financial risk is non-existent and safety risk is low.
1-4 MPH over: financial risk is low and the safety risk is low
5-10 MPH over: Financial risk is slightly higher and safety risk is moderate
10+ MPH over: Financial risk is high and safety risk is high.
Now that we have covered the risk of the situation, let’s dive into the reward so we can weigh out the differences and make an informed decision.
When you don’t speed you get where you are going at the same time as google predicted.
Here is the reward for speeding, you save time. Think about it for every 1 MPH you drive over the speed limit you are saving 1 minute an hour over the GPS time.
That doesn’t sound like much of a reward, does it?
Well, it’s not. Unless you are traveling a long distance.
For the typical trip to town, let’s say 30 minutes if you went 10 MPH over the speed limit the entire way you would only save a maximum of 5 minutes. Not much reward for such HIGH risk.
Now let’s say that you are taking a trip from Colorado to California and it is a 14-hour drive.
If you drive 15 MPH over the speed limit your risk is HIGH. But your reward is high too. Over 14 hours of driving you have the ability to save about 3.5 hours of drive time. That’s a big reward, but the risk is high too. So you have to decide if it is really worth it to drive that fast.
If you don’t understand the risk it is impossible to weigh the options to see if it is worth it.
Here is what I would like you to do. Take a few moments to think about where else this could be used in your life except for speeding?
How about the risk of having kids, or more kids? Or whether to pay for health insurance? Or whether to change careers or start a business or get married, or ask the person out on a date, or hire a new employee or ………
I think you get the point here. Risk vs Reward is something that we do every single day. Heck, we do it so much that we do not even realize that it is happening most of the time.
If you don’t know the risks you are taking there is no way to determine if they are really worth it.
Over the next few devotionals, we will be talking about the risks and rewards in the spiritual world. So that you can make an informed decision on how important expressing your faith is to you, your family, and your career/business.
Take Action
Today I want you to get out a piece of paper and write down EVERY risk that you take on a daily basis.
If you are like me and want to be able to read it later I’d recommend doing it on your computer or smartphone.
Just open up a word doc, or google document and hit the bullet point icon at the top. Then start your list.
Now you will want to keep this list for the next devotional because you are going to add to this list for the next few weeks,
DO IT NOW!!!!!!
Lord, today we come to you with full curious hearts. We know that you are worth the risk every time. God today we pray that you help us to show that you are alive in us. We pray that you would use the same power that calms the raging sea, the same power that you use to move mountains to work through us in ways that we could have never imagined.
Lord, today I pray that you help us get your word out to the world! Help us to share our faith with the world and get over a million followers for God First. I pray that you would give everyone who reads this devotional the opportunity to share it with others. Help to see that the reward of sharing your word with their tribe is amazing!
God, we also pray that you would give us the courage to do hard things. Because not everything you give us is easy. And that is OK.
We ask all these things in your precious Son’s name.
A Little More
Instead of a story today I would like simply to share my list of risks that I have taken to give you encouragement to make your list!
- Not setting an alarm in the morning
- Having kids
- Getting married
- Choosing to start a business
- Continuing to run a business every day
- Choosing to start a Non-Profit
- The people we hire for our business
- Making social media posts
- Having a verse on the bottom of my work email
- Every meeting that I scheduleÂ
- Scheduling trips (business and family)
- Flying
- Driving
- Swimming in the ocean
- Running on the road
- Playing with the kids
- Riding 4-wheelers
- Camping
- Trying to sell anything
- Getting new clients
- Going to bed
- Eating
- Cooking
- Eating out
- Walking (anywhere)
- Fueling up my vehicle
- Raising our kids
- Talking to my wife
- Talking to clients
- Talking to employees
- Pretty much talking to anyone
- Planning trips (a big risk that’s why it’s here 2 times)
- Visiting national parks
- Playing in the mountains
- Dreaming big
- Setting goals
- Growing our business
- Reading the bible
- Listening to a book while I drive
- Publishing content (any platform)
- Making personal social media posts
- Buying anything
- Going to the store
- Using my computer
- Sending out emails
- Working out
- Drinking coffee
- Drinking water
- Pretty much everything in my life!!!!
I know that you might have ready this list and said, Dan this is crazy. You listed some really insignificant things, and missed some HUGE things I’m sure you take risks in.
I’m not going to argue with you, (it’s the first I know.) but the thing is that I’m sure I did miss some things.
That’s ok because this is MY list.
Now make yours. And remember to save it because we are going to be adding to it over the next few weeks.