Spread YOUR light

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”


Genesis 1:1


NASA reached Mars and live-streamed a live video back to the world through social media the other day.  It was pretty darn cool to see.

Here’s my question for you. When you first saw the feed what did you think?

Was it, Man can do anything!

Or Maybe, WOW that’s pretty awesome.

OR possibly even, God is allowing this to happen, thank you for allowing us to see even more of your creation.

For me, it was a mixture. My thought was, holy cow, God this is amazing that we were able to accomplish this. How amazing is it that you give us the technology to go there, stream it back to the world, and explore another one of your creations? 

The very first verse of the best-selling book of all times says God created the heavens and the earth.

I might be wrong, but I believe that the heavens include the other planets, the sun, the moon, and what we call our solar system.

I believe that God created it and is now giving us the opportunity to explore it more in-depth. 

It’s pretty darn awesome if you ask me.

Today I want to ask you how you look at every creation God has made. Look deep into your thoughts to see if you truly give God credit for everything he created.

He created the ocean, the mountains, the trees, rocks, rivers, technology, animals, and YOU.

The same God that created all of this created us.

He knew us before we were ever born.  He gives us the opportunity to make mistakes and to grow in many different ways. But most of all he created us.

I was standing at the ocean the other day looking out across the vast expanse of water and could see the curvature of the world.  What I said was, Wow, God you created something pretty darn amazing here!  And thank you for sharing it with us.

When was the last time you didn’t share your faith with the world?

Have you ever hidden your Light of Jesus under a bowl, or tried to cover it up so you would fit in better?

Growing up, my whole family did a great job of keeping Christ and God as a major part of our lives.

Could we have done better? You bet we could have, but hey, we can always do better.

Then as I entered into my teenage years and started growing into my own person I noticed that there were times I hid my faith to fit in better. 

I covered up my light of Jesus.

Now it is the exact opposite. If someone can’t accept me as a person who loves God and Christ and wants to share that with the world, then I am sorry but I guess it’s just not important that we are close.

Today I want to encourage everyone to share the fact that God created everything!  Share it with the world. Share that you are a believer and share God’s First Life with everyone one you know.



Lord God today we are extremely thankful that you created the heavens and the earth, and we want to ask that you help us to share your creation with everyone! Help us to let the whole world know that you are the one who created everything in the universe. You created every planet, every plant, every animal, every person!

You are amazing. Thank you for creating so much, thank you for creating us. God, help us to never cover our light of Jesus up, ever again. Help us to put it out on a pole so that the rest of the world knows that we know you are amazing.

Help us to tell everyone we meet that you are the one and the only reason that we have anything and that you created everything. Thank you for giving us the technology to spread your word even further.




Will you pray with us?

Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation

All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

For all military personal serving our country and their families

Those in Leadership positions throughout the world