The Amor of God

James 1:6-8

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes.”


Ephesians 6:10-11


What do you see as the armor of God? Not only that how do you put it on?

To me, the armor of God is his protection against the evil one, satan. It is what he gives us to help protect ourselves against the most evil thing in existence.

Have you ever heard of a 30,000-foot view? It is a term that is used in business quite often. It means that you need to look at the bigger picture. It is kind of like the phrase, You can’t see the forest for all the trees. It means that you can’t see the bigger picture because you have been surrounded by details.  If we as people can have a 30,000-foot view what is God’s view? About a 100 million-foot view?

The point is that we don’t always see the bigger picture when it comes to why we should have on God’s armor every day we wake up. 

Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be talking more in-depth about God’s armor, what we can use it for, and why we need it.

Before we get into the nuts and bolts we need to understand that God is our father. He loves us more than any one person ever could. As a parent that’s hard to believe.  God loves my children more than I do. Doesn’t sound possible, but it is true.  That’s why he gives us his armor every day.

He is fighting a fight for us that we will never understand. The fight against satin. It’s a battle that if we look closely we can see bits and pieces of. Thankfully, he doesn’t throw us into the heat of it. He is protecting us and we don’t even know not

Here is our challenge to you.  Go to Ephesians 6 and read it today.  Think about why God is giving you the armor he is.  Think about what it means to you that he gave you these tools.  Last of all, thank him for being there for you and protecting you from the bigger fight.  Thank him for seeing the bigger picture and allowing you to live the life, you do.



Lord, we come to you today with thankful hearts. We are thankful that you love us as your children. We are thankful that you never give up on us even when we stray from time to time. God we are thankful that you can see the big picture, and we pray that you help us be okay with feeling lost in the forest sometimes.

Lord, we know that you give us exactly what we need when we need it and we hope that you help us to trust in your ways. Especially when we don’t see how they are guiding us. Again, we know that you can see the bigger picture and we are thankful for that.

God, we pray that you help us to wake up every morning with a renewed spirit and willingness to preserve on in your name. We pray that you will help us to be understanding and to use the tools you give us. We thank you for being our father.




Will you pray with us?

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All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

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