Trusting God

“It was as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him.”
Amos 5:19
This verse talks about the day the lord will come.
Some people look forward to it, but this verse tells us just how bad it will be.
Could you imagine running from a lion only to be corned by a bear?
Or finding safety in your house from the outside world only to have a snake bite you?
It’s hard to imagine that, but I can totally see it.
To me what this verse is really talking about is how we have to trust God in every situation.
I know, what a different spin, right?
Things aren’t always going to be easy, there are going to be days that we run into both the lion and the bear.
There will also be days that we feel completely safe, sitting in our house, and then we get struck by a snake that comes out of nowhere.
The snake could be anything, bad news, financial hardship, we are out of our favorite chips (lol), the fridge stops working, you get the point.
God needs us to trust that he has it all under control.
He is here for us.
Today I want to ask you about the last time you fled from one situation, scared, only to find that you were thrown into another situation that wasn’t any better.
For me, it happened when I left one job for another only to find myself in the same situation just in a different location.
Or how about the last time you felt completely safe and out of nowhere something happened that wasn’t good?
Again, for me, one example might be, praying with my kids and finding a large bump inside my daughter’s leg.
It was terrifying to find that, and not know what it was. After spending days in the hospital, we still never found what had caused it
Shoot still to this day we don’t know; all we do know is that God took care of her and the baseball-sized lump is gone.
Did you lean on God? Did you pray? Did you ask for help, understanding, and wisdom?
Today we want to encourage everyone when things are going great
When things aren’t going so great,
When things don’t turn out the way you expected,
Lord, God almighty, you are an amazing God. You are the only God. You give us so much more than we deserve, every single day. God, we are thankful for what you give us, even if it is running from a lion into a bear. We know that you are here for us, through every situation.
God today we want to ask that you would give us the strength to come to you in every situation. Give the right mindset to always put you first in everything that we do. Allow us to know you are in charge and you have a plan this bigger and better than we could have ever imagined.
God, we thank you for helping us to trust that you have it all under control. We thank you for giving us what we need, instead of what we want. We thank you for giving us sound guidance for every situation that you put us in. God today we come to you to simply say, thank you! Thank you for everything.
Will you pray with us?
Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation
All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel
For all military personal serving our country and their families
Those in Leadership positions throughout the world