Reconnecting with God

Faith During the School Year

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

James 4:8




As the school year commences, life often accelerates into a whirlwind of activities, schedules, and responsibilities. It’s a time of growth and learning, but it can also be a season when our connection with God can unintentionally take a backseat. However, as the wisdom of James 4:8 reminds us, drawing near to God brings His presence closer to us.


Navigating Life’s Busy Seasons
The return to school can be a joyous but demanding period for families. Homework, extracurricular activities, and busy schedules can make it challenging to prioritize our faith and maintain the spiritual bonds that anchor us.


This is the story of one family’s journey to rekindle their connection with God after the school year began.


Step 1: Carving Out Sacred Moments
Recognizing the need for change, this family decided to carve out sacred moments in their daily routine. Each day, they dedicated a few minutes to prayer and reflection, individually and together. These moments allowed them to draw near to God, seeking His guidance and strength.


Step 2: Incorporating Faith into Everyday Life
The family found creative ways to incorporate their faith into daily life. They displayed Bible verses on the refrigerator, encouraging moments of reflection during meal preparation. They listened to Christian music during car rides, turning mundane commutes into opportunities for worship and bonding.


Step 3: Family Devotionals
To strengthen their family bond, they introduced regular family devotionals. These gatherings provided a space for shared scripture readings, discussions, and prayers. Through this, they discovered that drawing near to God as a family not only deepened their faith but also strengthened their connection to each other.


Step 4: Engaging with the Community
Recognizing the importance of community, they sought ways to engage with their church and fellow believers. Attending church services, participating in youth activities, and volunteering together allowed them to draw near to God collectively and connect with like-minded individuals.


Step 5: Prioritizing Sabbath Rest
Amid the hectic school year, they realized the significance of Sabbath rest. They set aside Sundays as a day of worship, rest, and rejuvenation. This intentional break provided an opportunity for the family to draw near to God in worship and gratitude.


The Fruit of Their Efforts
As the family implemented these changes, they experienced a profound transformation. Their relationship with God grew deeper, their bonds with each other strengthened, and their hearts filled with gratitude. James 4:8 became a living reality as they drew near to God, and His presence drew near to them.


A Message of Encouragement
This family’s journey serves as a testament to the power of intentionality. Even during the busiest seasons of life, it is possible to draw near to God and experience His nearness. By incorporating faith into daily routines, prioritizing sacred moments, and fostering community, they rediscovered the beauty of a faith-filled life.


Prayer: A Renewed Commitment
Let’s close in prayer, renewing our commitment to draw near to God:


Dear Heavenly Father,


We come before You with hearts filled with gratitude for the wisdom of James 4:8. We acknowledge that drawing near to You brings Your presence nearer to us.


As we navigate the demands of the school year and life’s busyness, grant us the strength and wisdom to prioritize our faith. Help us carve out sacred moments, incorporate Your presence into our daily lives, and nurture our relationships with You and one another.


May our journey be a testament to the transformative power of drawing near to You. Let Your love and guidance shape our actions, deepen our connections, and fill our lives with purpose.


In drawing near to You, we find our refuge, our strength, and our ultimate source of joy.

In Your name, we pray.




May this family’s story inspire us all to draw near to God in the midst of life’s challenges and find His presence ever nearer to us.



Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts filled with gratitude for the wisdom of James 4:8. We acknowledge that drawing near to You brings Your presence nearer to us, and in this busy season of life, we seek Your closeness.

As we navigate the demands of the school year and the myriad responsibilities that come with it, we humbly ask for Your strength and wisdom. Grant us the discernment to recognize the sacred moments in our daily lives, whether it be in the quiet dawn before school or the shared laughter around the dinner table. May these moments become opportunities to draw near to You, finding solace and guidance.

Lord, help us incorporate Your presence into every facet of our lives. Let our actions and words be a reflection of Your love and grace. Whether we’re tackling homework, engaging in extracurricular activities, or facing the challenges of each day, may we carry Your presence with us, a constant reminder that You are our ultimate source of strength and wisdom.

In our efforts to draw near to You, may our relationships with one another flourish. Strengthen the bonds within our family, making them resilient in the face of life’s trials. May we be a source of encouragement and support for one another, always reminding each other of the importance of keeping You at the center of our lives.

We pray that our journey serves as a living testament to the transformative power of drawing near to You. May the love we experience in our family be a reflection of Your boundless love for us. As we draw near to You, allow Your presence to shape our actions, deepen our connections, and infuse our lives with a profound sense of purpose.

In drawing near to You, we find our refuge, our strength, and our ultimate source of joy. May we never forget the immeasurable blessings that come from keeping You at the forefront of our lives.

In Your holy and loving name, we pray.


May this extended prayer reinforce our commitment to draw near to God, both as individuals and as a family, finding His presence to be a constant source of guidance, strength, and joy throughout the school year and beyond.

Dan Greer