Is Prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.'”


Psalms 34:4


Do you only pray when you are in trouble? I find that when things are going really well, I don’t talk to God as much as I should. Life gets busy and we fill our days with so much that we don’t leave time to spend with God in prayer.

This is so important especially as we move into the holiday season when our lives are filled with family and friends, food, travel, and gifts. Please don’t forget to talk to God. There is always time. First thing in the morning before you get out of bed, taking a shower, or driving to work. Take a second to thank God for the weather, your family, your animals, the food you ate, your friends, and your job, there is always something.

Find something to be thankful for no matter how small. God is listening. Ask God for guidance with a situation you are having. Ask to open our hearts to solutions we have not yet thought of. Pray for your family and friend’s health. With just a breath you will feel more connected with God and the person you truly want to be. Whether you’re in a season of peace and excitement, or troubled and hardships.

Look for that opportunity to talk to God. He is listening to you. Also, the more you pray the easier it gets. Try praying in a few different ways and see what works for you. Silently in your head and heart. Out loud in a quiet space. Write it down in a prayer journal. Whatever way feels good to you. I have a friend who keeps a prayer journal and then goes back and writes how they were answered.

It is not always our plan or the way we think it should go, but know that God does answer your prayers. Ask yourself is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?

I encourage you to let God be your steering wheel, talk to him daily, and let him guide your every decision. Don’t just come to God when you are stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. Don’t keep your relationship with him tucked away for a rainy day, utilize your relationship with him every day!


Please God be with us this week and encourage us to pray every day several times a day. Feel our hearts with comfort and peace. Guide us in the direction you want us to go.

Please God help us to make prayer our steering wheel and not our spare tire.
