Making Mistakes

“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is.”


Amos 5:14


Throughout the book, it talks of all the sufferings that are going to come on to Israel, if they don’t change their ways.

I want to encourage everyone to go back and read the book of Amos from the beginning to the end.

This time when you read it look for God’s rays of sunshine in the words.

I brought you up out of Egypt. Amos 2:10

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

Seek Good, not evil, that you may live. Amos 5:14

You see the beginning of the book of Amos is a warning to the Israelites. It tells them exactly what is about to happen for what they have done.

Honestly, it makes me sad to read.  I struggle to comprehend why they didn’t listen to God.

Back to the point of this devotional though.

Knowing that God is always there for you even when it feels like the world is going to come crashing down.

We all make mistakes, just like the Israelites did.

Personally, I stumble every day. To be really honest, several times a day.

We have to know that as long as we seek the good in people and in ourselves, that God knows that.

He knows our true intentions.

Recently I had a conversation with one of our kids.

They kept saying, It was a joke every time something happened and they didn’t get the response they thought they get.

Believe me, it was NOT a joke.

After trying to convince them that a dad could tell when his kids were joking or not.  I looked them straight in the eye and said, you know who can tell if you’re joking or serious?

GOD can.

No, it wasn’t a scare tactic, it was the truth.

Almost immediately I could see the change in their expression. They had known that I was right and also that they had made a mistake.

The key here is to remember that God knows that we make mistakes. He knows that others make mistakes too. He wants us to always look for the good in every situation we are in.

He wants us to find the rays of sunshine around us.


Take this one simple step and see how it changes not only your attitude but the attitude of those around you.

When anyone asks, How are you today? answer with, AMAZING! or AWESOME! Make sure you say it with enthusiasm.

Watch how you will bring the good out in others around you with one simple action.



God, we know that we make mistakes all the time. I guess that means that others make mistakes too. We want to pray that you help us be as forgiving as you are. Help us to always see the good in others. Help us to hear you so we can grow in ways that we can’t even imagine yet. 

God, you are AMAZING, and we are so glad that you chose us to help you spread your word to the world. We know that sometimes we do not always heed your advice, please forgive us for not listening.  God, we want to do something a little different here. We want to ask for your help.

We want to be able to hear you, forgive others for their mistakes, and yes forgive ourselves for our mistakes. Help us to grow every day. God, please be with us, guide us, and help our path to be the path you need us on.  Thank you, Lord.




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