Shield of Faith

Shiel of Faith

“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one”

Ephesians 6:16

So far, we have learned about the belt of truth. What it means to always tell the truth and how telling even the smallest of lies makes it easier to tell BIGGER ones. We also learned how living a righteous life protects our vital organs, it gives us a breastplate for protection. Then we learned how God gives us different shoes through learning his word. He fits us with the right equipment for every situation that satan could throw our way.

Now we get to talk about how to take up your shield of faith.

The first thing we need to figure out is what a shield of faith is to you. To us, it means having strong faith, such durable belief that you can stop anything satan throws at you.

What is the purpose of a shield? As a kid, (or parent) we use a shield (trash can lid, frying pan, anything you can find) to protect us from bullets during a Nerf gun battle. Sometimes we use our emotions as a shield to hide from others. Another HUGE shield we have today is cellphones. We hide behind them as we make social media posts or comments and say things to others that we would never say to their face. A shield is something that we choose to hide behind. It protects us.

How is your faith a shield then?

There was a time when I knew God but did not let the world know how much I loved him. I thought that God didn’t belong in business, work, or anywhere that I might be judged for knowing him. Therefore, I chose to keep quiet about my relationship with him. I used FEAR as a shield.

Now I choose to shout out to the world how much I love God and how much he loves all of us. I traded my shield of fear for a shield of FAITH.

Faith is your biggest defense against the evil of the world. Faith that God has the situation under control. Faith is knowing that God will protect you from any situation. Just as Daniel’s friends had when they were thrown into the furnace (Daniel 3:8-30). They had so much faith that they said if God chooses to protect us he can. If not it, still doesn’t mean that he is not the only God.

They trusted that God would protect them.

Can you imagine for a second a flaming arrow flying at you? I struggle with imagining that, but I can tell you one thing. It would scare the crap out of me!
This part of the verse tells us what our shield of faith is made out of though. It is stronger than the toughest metal on the planet. It withstands flaming arrows and anything else that stain can throw at you. your faith is your first line of defense against the evil one.

Something to think about. If you were put on trial today for being a Christian, what would the verdict be? Do you live a life so full of faith that there is no doubt that everyone you meet knows your are a Christian?


God, we come to you today with an open heart, open mind, and an open body. Fill us with faith for you. Fill every nook and cranny of our lives with your word, with your goodness. We are so thankful for all the armor that you give us to use. Help us to use it. Help show us how it can be used to protect others and ourselves from the evil one.

God, we thank you for giving us faith. Help us to have so much faith in you that we KNOW beyond a reasonable doubt that you are in control. Help us to throw away our worldly shields of fear, emotions, and any other shield we might be hiding behind and take up our shield of FAITH.

God, we know that faith is stronger than anything else in the world. Help us to use our faith every day. Help us to show others our faith so that they might see you in the way we live our lives. God, we are grateful for everything that you give unto us. Help us to give unto others as much as we can.

Thank you for giving us a Shield as strong as our faith.


Will you pray with us?

Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation

All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

For all military personal serving our country and their families

Those in Leadership positions throughout the world