
“It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

For many of us, our faith is our most important anchor during tough times.

Being reminded that there is something greater than ourselves and that we can give up our fears and troubles to God when things get rough is especially appealing in times of uncertainty.

We want to encourage everyone not to wait until things get rough to give it all to God.

As humans, we cause ourselves way too much stress and pain before we ask for help.

Have you ever been in a place where you really needed help?

Then you never asked for it!

This happens to me almost every day.

At one point in my life, we were struggling just to survive.

Then something clicked and we gave it all to God.

Almost immediately our stress was relieved. Until we decided to take it back from him again.

You see God is there for us, every day in every way.

He loves so much.

We just need to be reminded of that.

But boy, there are days when we need an extra reminder (or two or three, or in my case about 100) of God’s love for us.

That’s when we break out the Good Book and soothe our souls.

Throughout the Bible, God teaches us to give him everything. Much the same way as Daniel, Joseph, Jacob, Abraham, Saul, Solomon, Joana, Paul, Peter, John the Baptist, Esther, Zephina, Moses, and yes JESUS.

It does not matter which book you open the bible to, God is teaching us to give him our stress.

So why do we wait until we are about to break before we give all to him?

We have all heard of the business person who doesn’t come to God until they have a heart attack and are laying in a hospital bed. Or the person who gives into satan and robs someone to get money to pay bills.

Why is it that we DON’T give it all to God before we break?

Today we want to encourage everyone to not only give all of their stresses to God but also to pray for the world!

Pray that God uses you to help someone else give their stress to God before they break.


God, it’s _________ (your name) here. I know that you are amazing. You show me every day. Even when I don’t deserve to see just how great you are you still show me. I am so thankful, but sometimes I forget that you, the same God who created the vast oceans, rugged mountains, scorching deserts, and raging rivers, also created me. 

You made me uniquely me. Thank you for that.

God today I want to give you everything in my life. But God I especially want to give you my stresses and worries. I know that I can’t help but worry because it is the way you designed me. But God I really do want to give them all to you. So God, Lord, here they are.  Here is the stress that I have right now.  They are all yours. God thank you for being so perfect!


Will you pray with us?

Mankind throughout the world throughout our current situation

All Law enforcement and emergency response personnel

For all military personal serving our country and their families

Those in Leadership positions throughout the world