God’s Timing NOT Your Timing

God’s Timing NOT Your Timing

Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact God’s Timing NOT Your Timing This morning I woke up a little late (5 am-ish) and did my morning routine. Then I walked out into the kitchen and noticed that my...
Using Stories To Teach

Using Stories To Teach

Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Using Stories To Teach Let’s start this devotional out with a short story… Once upon a time. In a land far, far, far, far away Just kidding. Kind of. Lol. The other...
Be A Good Steward

Be A Good Steward

Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Be A Good Steward Have you ever heard of the Grange? If you haven’t it wouldn’t really surprise me. The Granges is an organization that was created during the civil...
Start Allowing Those Close To You To Fail

Start Allowing Those Close To You To Fail

Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Start Allowing Those Close To You To Fail “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance,...
Lean In

Lean In

Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Home About Donate Devotionals Events Contact Lean In “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 Jenna and I have been married for 17...